Savor Award-Winning Pre-Qing Ming Shi Feng Long Jing with us at our Spring Green Tea Tasting
It’s time for fresh, spring green tea tasting again! This year, we are so excited to have prepared for you the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Long Tao Cup" Tea King Award fully handcrafted qunti zhong Shi Feng Long Jing! In addition, there are also first flush Ming Qian Shi Feng Long Jing, qunti zhong Bi Luo Chun, Tai Ping Hou Kui hand-crafted by the previous winner of the Tai Ping Hou Kui hand-crafting competition, etc.
From this week through May, we will be hosting Spring Time Green Tea Tasting Sessions at various times, tasting at least three fresh green teas to compare and contrast each tea’s unique aroma and flavor. Select from any of the sessions listed below or contact us for a private session if you have your own group. Act fast as some time slots are already full. If you are interested, please email us to sign up as soon as possible!
從本周到五月尾,我們將在不同時間舉辦春季綠茶品茶會,品嚐至少三款新鮮綠茶,以比較每種茶的獨特香氣和滋味。 你可從以下的時段選擇適合你的,或者可以自組品茶會,聯絡我們另約時間。有些時段已經滿額,如有興趣,請盡快聯絡我們報名!
26/4 | Friday/星期五 | 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm | Full/滿額
27/4 | Saturday/星期六 | 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm
4/5 | Saturday/星期六 | 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm | Full/滿額
6/5 | Monday/星期一 | 12:45 pm - 2 pm
6/5 | Monday/星期一 | 6:45 pm - 8 pm
8/5 | Wednesday/星期三 | 12:45 pm - 2 pm
11/5 | Saturday/星期六 | 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm | Full/滿額
20/5 | Monday/星期一 | 6:45 pm - 8 pm
23/5 | Thursday/星期四 | 6:45 pm - 8 pm
25/5 | Saturday/星期六 | 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm | Full/滿額
每節/Each Session: 75 mins
HK$260 (Pekoe&Petals 客戶/customer)
HK$320 (非/non- Pekoe&Petals 客戶/customer)